Hosting Docker Print

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Docker Hosting is the new platform created to allow you to host and run docker images in a totally virtualized environment. In practice, your web application can run in a super-safe and super-fast way in the pre-established platform with dedicated access. The software used is all opensource on the Linux platform.

Docker is a powerful software for the assembly and shipment of applications in containers, the last frontier of computer systems virtualization that easily allows to execute web applications, but not only, in a completely independent way from the OS, allowing easy movement and reallocation on different heterogeneous systems.

The system allows you access to the platform in SSH mode with root user on a preconfigured host docker on which you can run the pre-installed application or any other image you want to run.

Main Features

  • access to the environment with SSH, root user
  • pre-installed and pre-configured docker host under debian
  • possibility to install and run desired images, connection to dockerhub
  • images ready for use
  • graphic interface for the visual management of the docker environment (rancher)
  • pre-installed container management and orchestration system (docker-compose)
  • different packages pre-configured on persistent volumes: Wordpres, Prestashop, Owncloud, etc.
  • storage, without the need for external storage
  • reboot, recreation containers autonomous from the command line or graphic interface
  • possibility of doing web proxies through a standard Denali hosting to docker environment


Each customer is assigned a set of 10 ports on the host machine. The ports of the virtualized environment are mapped as follows. Suppose that the range of ports 8001 - 8010 is assigned to the customer, then they are mapped as follows:

Public Port > Internal Docker Port

  • port 8001 → free
  • port 8002 → 22 sftp container web
  • port 8003 → free
  • port 8004 → 443 (https)
  • port 8005 → free
  • port 8006 → 22 (ssh)
  • port 8007 → free
  • port 8008 → free
  • port 8009 → 2376 (docker remote TLS connection)
  • port 8010 → 80 (http web)

The basic web application, so it will be publicly listening on port 8010. This means that when you run a web app (on port 80) in one of your containers inside the dedicated docker platform activated for you, you can call it publicly through the port 8010 (in the example shown).

Examples of activation data

Suppose the customer requests activation of the Docking Hosting platform on the domain, this is what will be provided at the time of activation

  • user: root and its password, port for SSH connection to the environment. The connection can be made via Linux console or via Putty in a Windows environment
  • range of ports assigned to the user. Usually 10 ports are assigned.
  • confirmation of authorization of your user github to connect to the graphical GUI rancher. In this way, with your github user, you can also log in to the rancher administration graphical environment dedicated to your platform.

Graphic interface

The graphic interface used is rancher and will be automatically authorized for your github user.

Startup the application

Running a standard application will be a very simple thing. Preconfigured images are available immediately available.

Preconfigured apps

The applications you find configured on your box are:

  • Wordpress
  • Prestashop
  • Owncloud
  • Dokuwiki
Of course you can install and run any application and any desired image on the platform.

Services cost

For the duration of the beta, the docker hosting is provided at no cost. It is normally supported by a new domain name, which is paid at the standard costs of domain names. The docker hosting service, instead, for the entire duration of the beta is offered free to users who register and request it.


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