Special services Print

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The following services are all included in managed servers service. Instead while no managed server service purchased, the single activities' fees are below reported

Requested activity Fee (if no managed service), eur vat excluded
Advanced performance analysis and security audit 79.00
Apache optimization 79.00
Application support 79.00
Connection string repair 79.00
Content or database recovery 79.00
Content migration 79.00
Database backup script 79.00
Database find and replace 79.00
Database management 79.00
Disk space audit 79.00
DNS setup 79.00
Backup configuration via Control Panel (for one domain or an entire server) 79.00
Domain name setup 79.00
Email migration 79.00
Email spam review 119.00
Firewall rule configuration (Linux) 79.00
Hosting restore 119.00
.htaccess file changes 79.00
Intrusion prevention 79.00
my.cnf file changes 79.00
MySQL optimization 79.00
Permissions/ownership audit 79.00
PHP configuration changes 79.00
PHP module installation 79.00
PHP upgrade 79.00
Server Hardening 79.00
Software Installation 79.00

RIF. https://miw.li/KBDE281EN

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