Safelocked archiviazione documenti in cloud

Safelocked archiviazione documenti in cloud. Archivia foto, video e documenti aziendali online

Safe Free
Secure online storage until 10GB of space free
Safe 1WS
Secure online storage until 300GB of disk space. Access Web/Client Desktop.
Safe 2WS
Secure online storage until 500GB of disk space. Access Web/Client Desktop.
Safe SX1R
Secure online storage until 1TB of disk space. Access FTP/FTPS/SFTP/SCP or Samba/CIFS.
Safe SX2R
Secure online storage until 5TB of disk space. Access FTP/FTPS/SFTP/SCP or Samba/CIFS.
Safe SX3R
Secure online storage until 10TB of disk space. Access FTP/FTPS/SFTP/SCP or Samba/CIFS.
Safe SX4R
Secure online storage until 20TB of disk space. Access FTP/FTPS/SFTP/SCP or Samba/CIFS.
Safe 1DR
Secure online storage until 1TB of disk space. Access Web/Client Desktop.
Safe 2DR
Secure online storage until 5TB of disk space. Access Web/Client Desktop.
Safe 3DR
Secure online storage until 10TB of disk space. Access Web/Client Desktop.
Safe 4DR
Secure online storage until 20TB of disk space. Access Web/Client Desktop.